No Excuses!

If you sometimes feel that your efforts aren't worth
Much, or your ministry isn't reaping much fruitage, that you are
destined to fail and that God can't use you or make anything out of you;
Consider the following:

ABRAHAM was old...
LEAH was ugly...
JOSEPH was abused...
MOSES couldn't talk...
GIDEON was afraid...
RAHAB was a prostitute...
SAMSON had a weakness for women...
JEREMIAH and TIMOTHY were too young...
DAVID had an affair and was a murderer...
ELIJAH was suicidal...
ISAIAH preached naked...
JONAH ran from God...
NAOMI was a widow...
JOB went bankrupt...
PETER denied Christ...
DISCIPLES fell asleep while praying... (more than once)
MARTHA worried about everything...
The SAMARITAN WOMAN was divorced... (M ore than once)...
ZACCHEUS was too small...
TIMOTHY had an ulcer. ..
LAZARUS was dead!


Jehovah helps you to do something, in the
Ministry or otherwise, remember that he knows what you are able to fulfill.
Not necessarily through your own wiles, intelligence
And strengths, but through your weakness and his
. Don't hesitate and make excuses -- just trust him to provide all that you need to succeed and
Move forward! DO IT! And, don't give up.

Oh and, PAUL was BALD!
And of course, JESUS was never married!!

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